You must schedule your appointment at least 72 hours from the day you are booking.

The Brazilian Buttlift service can be scheduled 24 hours from the day you are booking.

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Radio Frequency Skin Tightening

Non-invasive treatment to help tightening and firm your skin along with helping reduce stretch marks.

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Radio Frequency Facial

Radio Frequency Facial is all about stimulating your own collagen, RF facials soften fine lines, firm skin, reduce pores, as well as lift cheeks and tighten saggy skin giving the skin an all over smoother, more radiant look.

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Lipo Cavitation

Lipo cavitation is a non-invasive procedure using ultrasound to break down fat cells from the body. This procedure is a good alternative if you seek fat reduction in areas associated with liposuction but are weary about going under the knife.

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Vacuum Brazilian


Brazilian Butt-Lift (BBL) is one of our popular services! BBL involves two suction cups being attached to each buttock. To give a firmer, plumper, perkier, larger, and rounder buttocks. This treatment promotes blood circulation as well a clearance of toxins.

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Vacuum Lymphatic Drainage

Vacuum Lymphatic Drainage vacuum therapy and suction, lymphatic drainage eliminates unwanted toxins in the body as well as increase the flow through your lymphatic system while reducing water weight leaving a smoother and more toned appearance.

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Anti Cellulite Vacuum Therapy

Anti Cellulite Vacuum Therapy is used to reduce the appearance and fat that is often found on thighs knees, buttocks and stomach. This treatment helps to firm and tone the skin, diminishing the appearance of cellulite.